About me

I suppose this page is where people write a formal bio about themselves in third person. I once did that, too. And it didn’t feel very natural, to say the least.

Then I switched to first person, and it felt like I’m giving an elevator pitch to myself. So you guessed it. I won’t be writing that here.

If you are curious about my professional experience or formal education, feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile here. However, my blog and YouTube channel are probably better ways to get to know me. Here are a few of my favorite blog posts and videos:

The story behind this website

After college most people expected me to pursue graduate school. Not that their expectations mattered – but I thought I’d end up in a master’s program myself. However, after many sleepless nights of soul-searching (‘cause that’s what you do in college, right?), I decided to work full-time before going back to academia for an advanced degree. In retrospect, this turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

So when I was working at my first job out of college, I used to have a constant influx of ideas during the day (no, they were not work-related). They were plans, goals, video ideas, and different reflections of mine. I didn’t want them to be lost in the mundane of life, so I’d write them down on sticky notes and then put them in my pocket. I was at work, after all.

I’d come back home with pockets full of sticky notes. Like this:

You can tell I was a productive employee, right?

As you can imagine, they kept adding up.

And since I needed a way to keep track of and execute those ideas, this is how this website was born. In fact, my website used to be called Thoughts On Sticky Notes for this reason.

I genuinely think that people can learn from each others’ experience, so I hope that you find my posts helpful. The central theme of this website are the lessons I’m learning on my journey about creativity, personal finance, mindfulness, career, productivity, art, and so on. Anything I learn and think that will serve others, I try to make a post about it.

Oh, and did I mention that along the way I started a YouTube channel, too? I love making videos, so this seemed like the perfect creative outlet for me. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel here.