Checking in (February 2021)

It’s been a while since I posted anything here – not because I don’t have anything to say (trust me, my blog backlog is full of posts), but mostly because of the current prioritization of my projects.

The backlog of my blog posts: a sneak peek

Whoops, I said it. This blog is not at the top of my priorities right now.

In the last few months, I was focused on getting a job in South Korea, applying to graduate schools, spending time with my family in San Diego, and making progress on my other online projects. During the winter break, I spent a good chunk of time thinking about where my focus should be in terms of those projects.

As it stands right now (February 2021), I’m prioritizing making videos for Lingo Junkie (my language learning project). Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m ignoring everything else (my personal YouTube channel, Path2CollegeUSA, my music, or this blog). It just means they won’t get as much attention as they used to in the past.

My online projects (February 2021)

Maintaining multiple YouTube channels and social media accounts takes up a lot of my time and energy. That’s why one of my goals for 2021 is to consolidate things where it makes sense. For instance, I changed my personal YouTube channel from Thoughts On Sticky Notes to Eugeniu Prodan and have pressed the pause button on maintaining social media accounts for the Thoughts On Sticky Notes brand. Now it’s all under my name (Eugeniu Prodan). I had many different realizations like that during my yearly review session. You can see it here if you want (but it might look like записки идиота to you – that’s “idiot’s notes” in Russian).

With that said, I am thinking about making this blog into a place where I post shorter stuff – something in the style of Seth Godin and his blog. I think in this way, I’ll be able to stay a lot more consistent with it.

Less is more, you know?